Monday, August 26, 2019

Timbavati Wildlife Park Welcomes Jake And Elwood

Greetings friends and welcome to this week’s blogpost. Before we get started with our topic on penguins, I want to remind you all that we still have a name the baby owl monkey contest running. You can click the pinned post on our Facebook page for details. Now onto our next topic, Jake and Elwood.

Timbavati Wildlife Park is now home to two new South African Blackfoot penguins. We all know and love Mama and Papa our long time penguin pair. This summer they were joined by Jake and Elwood. Now why the names Jake and Elwood? Our owner Alice Schoebel explained to me that juvenile penguins are referred to as “blues” because their feathers have a blue tint and they aren’t black and white in color yet.

Apparently she shared this bit of useful knowledge with one our guests and this prompted him to ask “Are both of them boys?” When Alice told them “yes” this guy immediately called them the “Blues Brothers” without hesitation. Boom from that moment on they were called Jake and Elwood.

A lot of animals around Timbavati Wildlife Park have cute stories about their names. Some are attributed to personality, some are attributed to color and some of them are even named by you. Make sure you like our pages for interesting tidbits about our animals and notifications about specials that we are running. Thanks and we’ll see you in the park.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Last Pig Races and Camel Rides of the season

Greetings friends and welcome to this week’s blog post. Summer has been awesome and the milder temperatures are nice and comfortable. Whilst we bask in the glow of the August son I have to give everyone an advanced warning that summer is coming to a close. Now we’re open all year round but after Labor Day 2019 we will no longer offer Camel Rides or Swine Time Pig Racing for the remainder of the year.

Fret not good people as you still have two full weeks of riding and racing. Some of you reading this have never seen a pig race. Did you know that pigs can run at speeds of up to 11 Miles Per hour. Now humans can run at speeds of up to 28 miles per hour, but we can’t take a corner at 11 mph much less top speed. Trust me on this I have the bruises to prove it LOL. 

The Swine Time Pig Races are a family favorite that takes place at our very own Porker Park. These swift swine are set on an oval of agility in a race to recover the vaunted Oreo Cookie! These races come packed with a ton of funny pig puns presented by our professional animal handling staff. Bring the whole family and watch them squeal around the oval while you still have time this year.

Camel Rides will also be coming to an end for the year this Labor Day. If you haven’t visited our Camel Rides in the woodlands area yet, what are you waiting for? Did you know that camels are the oldest form of transportation? You can also find camels living comfortably all over the world. In some remote locations it's still the only way to move people and goods. Those are just a few of the cool camel facts that you can learn when you take a ride on a ship of the desert. Our staff love asking questions about the camels.

We only get to take a few precious moments in time and make them memories. These shared experiences last a lifetime in the minds of both the young and the young at heart. Stop in to Timbavati Wildlife Park today, we have an adventure waiting for you. Take a look at this week’s video for more on camel rides and pig racing. Make sure you follow our pages to receive info on specials and contests. We will announce the winners of the “Name The Baby Spider Monkey Contest” this week. Thanks and we’ll see you in the park.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Alice And Attica

Greetings friends and welcome to this week’s blog post. Summer has been absolutely beautiful in the Wisconsin Dells and if you haven’t made your way up here to visit us there’s still plenty of time. Also, if you haven’t entered our “Spider Monkey Naming Contest” don’t hesitate to do so. This week we are talking about the straw coloured fruit bat.

This bat hails from the continent of Africa and is common across much of the continent and in Madagascar. The adult straw coloured fruit bat weighs around 9 ounces. It has about a seven inch body with a more than 2 foot wingspan. It’s pretty big, it falls under the category of megabat.

The straw coloured fruit bat is nocturnal. You probably guessed that by its oversized eyes right? These social creatures will roost in groups from 100k to 1 million bats. That’s a lot of guano aye? They find food by site and by smell. They eat fruit and plants so they do a lot to disperse seeds and pollen for the flora that helps support them.

There are a lot of really cool straw coloured fruit bat facts. For more facts and a close up look at Atticus take a look at this week’s video. This week Alice Schoebel gives us an up close look and education about our furry little flying friends. That’s all I have for this week. Make sure you follow our pages to stay informed about everything from fun facts to free giveaways. Thanks ad We’ll see you all in the park.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Bonding With A Rhinoceros

Greetings friends and welcome to this week’s blog post. This week we have a very unique topic and video, “Bonding with a Rhinoceros.” For those of you who don’t follow our social feeds (which you should stop reading right this minute, go and like/follow/subscribe/share/favorite retweet us right now, then continue reading) the rhino pictured here is a young male named Naasaha. The gentleman in the picture is our very own Matt Schoebel. Today we’re talking about the bond between Matt and Naasaha.

Hopefully at some point in everyone’s life one will have had the opportunity to bond with an animal. Those of us lucky enough to experience this kind of relationship know the joys of coming home to your favorite pet. A rhinoceros is not a pet, but it is most certainly filled with personality. Matt is a professional animal handler who was raised in the business and has a lifetime of experience with animal care. They both create a unique opportunity for an educational and entertaining experience for us to watch. 

I have set out to film Naasaha on many occasions. By and large when he sees me coming he goes the other way. I have to film him ambush style like TMZ lol. Matt here? Not a problem. Matter of fact, he can call the rhino over with just a whistle. Seeing the bond between Matt and Naasaha shows us all that the level of affection and care that they have for each other is extremely high.

This week’s video gives you a great look at Matt and Naasaha. But why just watch here when you can come up to the Wisconsin Dells and see Naasaha in our Grasslands Area from our Safari Train Ride. Follow our profiles and visit our website for more information. Here’s this week’s video thanks for reading and we’ll see you all in the park.