Monday, December 12, 2016

Sable Antelope

This week we are talking about the majestic sable antelope. The Sable Antelope (scientific name hippotragus niger)  is from the southern savanna of Africa. They live in  a combination of grasslands and woodlands. They avoid extensive open lands.

The sable antelope in the wild can live up to sixteen years and travel about a mile a day. During the dry season they will travel less than a mile.  They are nocturnal and diurnal (active during the day). They prefer to feed just until dark because of a high risk of predation at night. Their natural predators are animals like lions, spotted hyenas, leopards, crocodiles, and wild dogs.

These animals are specialized grazers. They will feed on herbs and grasses which typically make up ninety percent of their diet. They seek water at least every other day. None of these antelope are known to travel more than 2 miles from a water source.

Male antelopes grow slightly bigger than the female. They have incredible horns that can reach to 165 centimeters, can weigh around 530 lbs and have a height of about 5 ft.  A female's horn is much shorter around 102 cm, have a weight around 485 lbs and are a pinch shorter than males.

Stop in to Timbavati Wildlife Park and say hello to our friends the majestic antelope!

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