Monday, January 25, 2016

The Common Marmoset

There are 3 big rules that I need you to remember when it comes to marmosets. 

1. They don't like bright lights.
2. never get them wet.
3. Never feed them after midnight. 

We all saw what happened last time someone broke those rules!

Ok I am kidding, those were the lovable Mogwai that turn into "Gremlins" in the 1984 Steven Spielberg's movie. That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw that picture so I ran with it. :)

The Common Marmoset is a native of South America. Atlantic coast Brazil. You can usually find them in a tree in jungle areas. They are arboreal, which means that they don't spend a lot of time on the ground. They are really fast moves that can jump long distances. Marmosets are opportunistic so they will move into new territories if they get the chance.

Marmosets have varied diets. They eat spiders, tree sap, bird eggs, small vertebrates are all in their diets. The males can be up to 1 pound in size and the females will be bit lighter. They are unique primates in that the males and females are almost indistinguishable. 

Marmosets are very social animals and live in groups from either 3 to 17 marmosets at a time. The gestation period for Marmosets is around 150 days. It is very common for them to give birth to twins and there are times when they can give birth to 3 or 4 young at once. 

Next time you're in Timbavati Wildlife Park check out our Marmosets. Jest remember when you are watching them that they are as interested in you as you are in them.

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