Monday, July 30, 2018

Crowned Cranes of Timbavati Wildlife Park

Greetings and welcome to the end of July? Yeah that’s it, this Wednesday is August first and that means there’s a last minute push to get that summer vacation in the Wisconsin Dells together. When you come to the Dells, we hope that Timbavati Wildlife Park is in your itinerary I mean you wouldn’t want to miss hanging out with a majestic bird like the crowned crane would you?

The crowned crane is the national bird of Uganda and is native to Africa south of the Sahara. It belongs to the crane family "Gruidae." They can be found near rivers, marshes and other wetland areas. These birds do not migrate but will make local and seasonal movements according to the food resources, the nest-site availability and the rains.

The crowned crane is a fairly large bird standing about 3ft tall. They can weigh up to 9 pounds.  They have a red pouch called a "gular pouch" that hangs from their throats.

These birds are omnivores and consume many types of prey including seeds, insects, grasses, fish and other invertebrate. The grey crowned crane has a long hind toe which can grasp a branch allowing them to roost in trees.

During the breeding season, the grey crowned crane performs a beautiful dance, bow, run and jump while inflating the gular sacs and giving off low booming calls. These calls are given with the head lowered to shoulder level.

Now don’t forget we have VIP Luxury Tours and Noah’s Ark Combo Tickets available. Check out our website for more information. Below you will find a short video with a few more fun facts and footage of the Crowned Cranes!

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