Monday, December 10, 2018

Timbavati Wildlife Park Keeper Talk With A Skunk

Greetings friends and welcome to this week’s blog post. It’s shopping season, don’t forget that the Wisconsin Dells has great shopping at the Outlet Mall. This week we’re going to turn our attention, albeit carefully, to the skunk. The skunk has a bunch of interesting facts. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Skunks have a scent gland at the bottom of their tails that shoot their spray. A skunk can spray up to 10 feet and the odor can be smelled up to a mile and a half away. Before they spin around and spray you, they will warn you that you're in trouble by stomping on the ground with their front feet. They hiss and growl a bit too. I think the warning would be enough for most of us to get the hint lol.

A group of skunks is referred to as a surfeit. In my time in Wisconsin I have seen packs of skunks with 6-8 adults and bucket of little baby skunks. Baby skunks can spray at the tender age of 8 days old. They cant even aim until they are about 24 days old because their eyes aren't opened yet.

Skunks are nocturnal an eat insects, birds, small rodents, fruits, vegetables and like the badger snakes. Skunks are immune to snake venom so they are known to eat poisonous snakes like rattlers. They have poor eyesight so in compensation they have excellent senses of smell and hearing.

Fortunately for you we have skunks that are safe for you to view and visit on our two daily Timbavati Encounters Tours. Those begin daily at 11AM and later at 1PM. Just come to the Gift Shop and you can purchase an admission. For those of you who want a more enhanced experience we also have a VIP Behind The Scenes Tour by appointment only that gives you a comprehensive tour of the park.

Here is Becky with the call in this week’s video with more facts about the skunk. Thanks for reading and we will talk with you all next week. Cheers!

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