Monday, November 28, 2016


This week we are talking about the Kinkajou. These small mammals may resemble that of a small primate but they are actually related to the raccoon family.

They can be found living in the tropical forests of Central and South America.  Kinkajou live in nests and groups also known as troops. They are social within their communities engaging in grooming activities to develop bonds.

The kinkajou are sometimes called "honey bears" because they will raid bees' nests.  They have long skinny tongues that they use to slurp honey from a hive and remove insects from their nests. Kinkajous also eat fruit and small mammals.

Kinkajou can weigh anywhere from 3 to 7 pounds with a tail length anywhere from 16 to 22 inches.  They will use their tails like fifth limb to assist in climbing. Being that is a prehensile tail it aids their balance, assists them in climbing as they search for food and at night they will cover themselves with their tails during sleep like a blanket.

Kinkajous have the ability to turn their feet completely backwards to run easily in either direction. This double jointed wrists feature is something they share with their cousin mammals the raccoon and coatis.

Take a look at the video below to see our kinkajou at Timbavati Wildlife Park.

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